EC Directive 2014/34/EU "ATEX" - general

On offer no. AN-03-9-320 of 10.11.2003 confirmed the Institute for backup GmbH IBExU testing laboratory and certification body (notified body "EU Identification No. 0637") at the Institute of the Technical University of Freiberg, that couplings non-electrical equipment of category 2.

According to Article 13 (1) of Directive 2014/34 / EU are not subject to electrical equipment and components of the Equipment Group I and II, equipment category M2, 2 and 3 as well as electrical equipment and components of category 3 the duty for EC type examination in accordance with Annex III of Directive 2014/34 / EU. This means that no examination and no EC-type examination certificate is required for couplings. Manufacturers of these products can acting draw up an EC declaration of conformity and manufacturer's declarations on its own responsibility.


This procedure is also in the VDMA position paper from 26.11.2003 to EC Directive 94/9 "ATEX" - confirms implementation in drive technology